nächste haltestelle, albertplatz - en
you hear the announcement coming from german mechanic announcer lady of yellow tram wandering around the beautiful yet ordinary city of dresden. your times full of paranoia thinking of imaginary german control guys are ended, thanks to your wunderbar deutschland ticket.
but there is always a bitterness you feel coming within with these internships you do in summer, something is lacking, something is wrong. you usually never know what is the problem truly. sometimes it’s loneliness like in stockholm, sometimes it’s tiredness and confusion like in ulm, sometimes it’s anxiety and responsibilities concerning your future like in here, dresden. you would feel it in every neuron of your brain, in every little capillary of your heart if it’s possible.
you didn’t listen when they said “medical school is hard, you know”, you are aware that you don’t regret not listening to be honest but it sometimes touches, dear reader. constant urge of “i need to learn this”, neverending verbal exams, toxic people around you, people who would not even inspire you but would kill your inspiration and light bursting out from you.
yep, you still don’t know what to do when you will graduate. is it weird, is it normal, you don’t have any idea even. probably not normal but yeah, what can you do more, other than exploring? just eat your good döner here and drink your cheap beer. life is good, dear reader. at least you must make it good. :-)
then you forget everything, you focus on your sweet rewe pastry that you got for 1,39 euro. dude, these germans know how to run a bakery, for real. and you know what? they are really sweet usually, quite colorful unlike stereotypes, incredibly lively yet organized. practical but soulful. direct, sometimes rude but helpful. probably more human than your classic familiar turkish people back in town, maybe not, i don’t know. it’s always definitions right? definitions.
much loves.